Wow, this is like one of my top favorite treats to have within my week. That and pinkberry, but that's another post. Ahhh, Jamba Juice, how I love thee let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth of thy original size cup, I love thee to the...?? hahaa. I can't help it! Jamba Juice is MUY BUENO! I've had so many of them on the secret menu too. Like "Thank You Jesus", "Reeses", "Sourpatch", "Fruity P ebbles", "Pink Star", "White Gummi", "Pina Colada", and a few more I can't remember at the moment. ^_^ Hmm, just thinking about it is making me crave for one! I think I'll walk my dog there tomorrow before class starts. Ahh!!! I can't wait!! But what to choose???!!!!