Sucks to be me!! Yay.
At this moment, I am sitting in my living room, with a hairstyle closely resembling that of Don King and Macy Gray, and typing this up because, well...I am in PAIN. I tore up my shoulders, upper back, and some of my neck muscles on Monday after a couple hours of MOVEMENT that I wasn't ready for in my Theatre class.
Don't get me wrong, it was COMPLETELY my fault. Didn't stretch after the last class, so I pretty much set myself up for disaster. I can't lift my shoulders, turn my neck or even type this without feeling some sort of throbbing pain. "Thank you, God, for Mr. Tylenol, Advil, Ibuprofen, etc. etc." So now I'm stuck at home. BLAH. Ugh, w/e. I am now thinking about dosing up on Breyer's ice cream and maybe some eggs. Hmmmm, sounds like an interesting breakfast, yea? Haha, you guys are probably thinking, "Ewww, that's stupid, Sharai. You can't eat that." Oh, but my dear friends, I WILL. HAHAHAHA LOVE IT!
Anyway, just because I'm in pain doesn't mean that any of you should be too. I refuse to have more than one person (that one person being ME) be in any pain. It's just not done, I tell you!!! So smile, world!!! God loves you, I love you, Mr. Grade A Egg loves you, and Don King loves you! Okay, maybe not, but here's a pic of him!!!!! See??? He's happy to see you. SO BE HAPPY ^_^
Hmm, maybe I should cut back on the Ibuprofen..