
Showing posts from May, 2009

Hello, My Name Is Miss Lonely Hearts

It's been a while since I last blogged. I've been sick with bronchitis and sinusitis. ugh...getting sick is probably the last thing I need right now. What with all the crap flying around my life, my health is quite important to me. Maybe it's all the stress...I mean, is this like, the labor pains people experience when going into adulthood? I mean, now when I sleep, as long as I get 6 hours, I'm good. Whereas in high school, I needed at least 7-8! Also, my appetite has been fluctuating, I have gastric problems sometimes, and "kids these days" is becoming a common phrase in daily conversation. Honestly, I feel a lot older than I really am. Some would say that I'm just mature for my age and that I shouldn't worry about these things. However, I do. Quite frequently, to be honest. I mean, I'm a theater student, an aspiring actress, I've got an IQ of 132, I've never had sex, I've never been drunk, I've never been high, I've...

More Than Me

Thinking back on these past few weeks, I can honestly say that I have never been so emotionally and physically drained. I have been through a lot in my life, more than the usual teenager should experience...but I've always made it through with only a few scrapes here and there. However, this time is beyond anything I've had to go through. Once when I think it's going to get better, it gets worse. Put simply, I'm in quick sand and the only branches around me are snakes. I'm just SO FRUSTRATED. List of things that are currently making Sharai upset: 1) An ex-friend wants me to sign some promissory note that I have no intention of signing because of the sheer stupidity of the idea. 2) I owe money to EVERYONE. (ex-friend, church friend, even MOM.) 3) I actually thought this guy I met was in his 20s. He's 39, and I almost went out with him. 4) Keep thinking about said man. He was in my dreams a couple days ago. 5) I'm a slut for thinking about him. 6) I have n...

Shindig Gift List

Well, well, well. This is for everyone who's going to the party on Saturday. Hope it's not too much for anyone who dares to get me a gift. Anyway, the following link is for my gift registry at Sephora. Log in username is: Password is: reyna1 I really don't expect people to get me the $300 brush set, because I think that's just ridiculous for anyone to go that far for a birthday present.And, if you can't afford the stuff I'm looking for, gift cards are nice too =) But Sephora isn't the only store I love. Through the years, people think they know me pretty well...but they give me the WORST presents imaginable. Of course, I bear it and grin. I'm not ALWAYS a diva, haha. But just in case YOU (my lovable posse) wanted to know, here's a list of stores that have a special place in my makeup drawer and closet. 1) H&M 2) XXI 3) Sephora 4) DSW 5) Steve Mad...