It's been a few days since I actually typed something on here... Loads has happened, but it's too much to put into one blog...too many emotions, images, sounds, words to remember. Anyway, this week, I just finished reading 4 books in a series I'm following. After reading/studying "Mere Christianity" and "The Problem of Pain" for the (n)th time, I figured some fiction was needed to keep my imagination going. I remember being a 5 year old, riding my bike around our pool for hours. Sounds weird, right?? I can't really understand how I did that! It's incredible! I mean, it's not the biggest pool, and I only went in one direction. And I wouldn't stop until it was dinnertime. But what I do remember, was that I always had a story going on inside my head. All the shrubs and fruit trees I constantly passed seemed to blur away to a much different place. The air flowing all around me would become lighter and sweeter, and I was surrounded by pe...