Disneyland Sucks With Dad
Feeling a whole mixture of emotions right now (besides the sick one). I mean, this weekend was great! One of the very few good ones I've have in a long time. It's just typical that my dad had to ruin it all yesterday. See, we all go to California Adventure for the first to have fun, right? We don't go to make snide remarks about everything we see, we don't go to criticize the amount of people there, we don't go to complain about the prices (although, that's sort of a legit thing), we don't go to show everyone else how bored we are, we don't go to SLEEP THROUGH AN ENTIRE PARADE, we don't go to sit through the entire Aladdin show and NOT LAUGH A SINGLE TIME. And YET! My own father manages to do all those things and then some the entire time we were there. He even makes my mother leave with him early because "he's so bored", leaving my sister, cousin, and I to trek out the rest of the park on our own. Don't get me wrong, it was b...