Currently Reading: "The Graveyard Book" by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is by no means a common children's book writer; nor is he a noobie when it comes to weaving together a tale with both innocence and darkness. In some respects, he could be considered a more PG-rated version of Tim Burton. Most of his books resonate with me the same way the later Harry Potter books did. It feels like a young reader's kind of book but possesses that adult quality that pulls older readers in. I read his other book called, "Coraline" a few years back. The movie and the book were surprisingly similar and I liked the added character of Wyborn (not sure about the spelling.) It helped immensely because the character of Coraline tended to have a lot of internal thoughts and I think it's hard to translate that onto the movie screen in a way that doesn't take too much away from the story. Somehow, Henry Sellick was able to pull such a thing off and I believe he chose a very creative way in which to do it without losing the integrity of...