July MyGlam Bag Review: Not So Hot

Finally received my July Glam bag! It came as expected in the middle of the month so no problems there. For this review I've actually added a few pictures to give you guys an idea of how some of the products work on me. I want to first begin by saying that I'm seriously rethinking of keeping MyGlam and switching to a different company. I like some of the products they've been sending me but I feel like the quiz they make you take on the website doesn't matter at all. The reason why I say that is because the eye, concealer, and lip products NEVER go with my skin tone. I just feel like it's a waste of my money if I can't get the products in the right shade. Anyway, on to the review! Going from left to right, the Big Sexy Hair spray is quite lovely even for my frizz prone locks. It smells fine and keeps everything in place. My only problem with it is that it doesn't do too well in humidity or ocean air but I will probably still buy it because there are not that...