Illegal Immigration

Recently, I replied to a comment on a website about illegal immigration. Here is Otto's reply to Ricardo's, along with mine. Please comment

Ricardo barra:
quisiera saber en donde se reporta a personas ilegales que estan trabajando en estados unidos

Otto Perlera: Let me translate for my amigo Ricardo for you gringos. He wants to know where you can turn in illegals. He is laughing at you as am I. This country wants us here. I work for Silver Point Trucking and have worked for logistics companies like Golden State Logistics and Krisda in the Long Beach/Carson/Compton area. I go in and out of the Ports of Los Angeles with no problem. No security hassles.

We work hard to get your crap from China off the ships and then truck them to Wal-Mart and other crap stores. You need us. Get it.

So call ICE and turn me in!!! Ha. Ha. Nothing will happen. Stick your statistics up your a–.


I'm sorry, but I absolutely disagree with you.

I'm even part Spanish, and I still don't appreciate how much you take advantage of America. It's a travesty that illegal immigrants are literally sucking the economy dry with their unemployment checks, the welfare, the free schooling for many families, the security and the same rights as the rest of us. My family had to wait 20 years to get here, how dare you speak that way about our country. OF COURSE, we want you here!!!!!!!!!!! But we want it to be done the RIGHT way. If Mexico, Puerto Rico, Ireland, and Malaysia were countries like America, and America was the one that was impoverished and anti-government stricken, would you want us taking your money, homes, education without even getting citizenship? Would you want us to take billions of dollars from you annually? Would you want us to have the same freedoms as you even though we're not supposed to be there?

I don't think you would. In fact, I think you'd want us out of there, or you'd want us to get that stupid paperwork done so we could become legal citizens. Honestly, look what illegal immigrants are doing to us? We pay taxes that they'll never pay, yet they get the same advantages? Some even get more than we do...and we really worked hard to get here!!

We will always appreciate the hard work YOU daily contribute. Some jobs..not even Americans would do..but still you do it. I appreciate it. Really. However, that does not give you a free ride to the same pursuit of happiness we have here.

Apologies, I don't mean to come across so brazen. But please understand, that this is a serious issue. Our country's economy will continue to deteriorate. Majorly because of illegal immigrants. My question for you is this: what will you do when your neighborly taxpayers can't pay for your freedoms anymore?

Otto, I'm interested as to why you laugh at Americans so much. If it's alright with you, please email me and we can further discuss this issue. Even though I seemed really harsh toward you, I really do hope you have a great day. God Bless

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