Wow, this is like one of my top favorite treats to have within my week. That and pinkberry, but that's another post. Ahhh, Jamba Juice, how I love thee let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth of thy original size cup, I love thee to the...?? hahaa. I can't help it! Jamba Juice is MUY BUENO! I've had so many of them on the secret menu too. Like
"Thank You Jesus", "Reeses", "Sourpatch", "Fruity Pebbles", "Pink Star", "White Gummi", "Pina Colada", and a few more I can't remember at the moment. ^_^ Hmm, just thinking about it is making me crave for one! I think I'll walk my dog there tomorrow before class starts.
Ahh!!! I can't wait!! But what to choose???!!!!