My Aspirations..can I make them happen?

I've always wanted to go into professional acting on television...but lately, it seems like I'll never be able to. My parents don't exactly support me and I'm just so inadequate and insecure that I don't have the confidence or "the look" to get me very far. I mean, I've got some flabbiness (which, when I look at myself, isn't so good...), my acne is OK NOW; but my skin has a tendency to get used to the stuff I'm using until it doesn't work anymore and I break out EVERYWHERE (totally nightmare on elm street if you ever saw me), my hair (I just cringe when I think about it) is SO frizzy and untamed that I think I can be mistaken for a new breed of lion (the dark haired miniature version so-to-speak), my unwanted hair that I will NOT go into detail about since it might make quite a few readers send nasty emails of disgust, and finally my experience (which, up to now has been limited to high school plays and church productions..not much of a resume if you ask me). So there you have it!!! I'm just not qualified am I? You can all respond to this and be as brutally honest as you want. I'm feeling quite apathetic right now so I don't think I'll mind very much. If any of you have some good advice that I'll be able to benefit from, then PLEASE let me know!!!

I'm still hoping to make it big in the business w/o tarnishing my image NOW.

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