Gay Bashing? I think not..
I read this on my pastor's blog this morning and personally, I agree with him. And I'm not trying to bash homosexuals. I love them, and all other kinds of people...because that's what God calls us to do; to love. And I really do sincerely mean it. I always get frustrated and cry over the fact that people think I'm being negative about gays and lesbians. Let me set the record straight. I'M NOT. Far from it. Just now, my mom told me that someone tossed our "Vote YES on Prop 8" sign in our backyard. My dad had placed it in the front and it's OBVIOUS people don't like it. But where's the free speech in this??? Homosexuals and Pro-Choice people can openly say what they want, but we can't? I CAN'T??
I find this to be a fallacy...CIRCULAR REASONING. Please don't misunderstand and don't misconstrue what I've said. It really breaks my heart when things like this happen. So please, keep reading. My pastor's blog really hit home today...

I find this to be a fallacy...CIRCULAR REASONING. Please don't misunderstand and don't misconstrue what I've said. It really breaks my heart when things like this happen. So please, keep reading. My pastor's blog really hit home today...

I want to show you a letter I received this week concerning Prop 8 and my full support of Marriage as defined by God..... I will CHANGE THE NAME.... but I wanted you to know it's hard for my brain to figure out how someone can listen to my heart and then accuse me of "gay bashing". I am wondering if we are so programmed by the world that we simply deny the truth of the word of God.
The Letter I Received.
Dear Pastor,This is Sunday morning when myself and my husband normally attend your 10 a.m. sermons and always walk out refreshed and with a purpose for that coming week. But over the last few sermons I am have been extremely bothered by the fact that you have so verbally taken a position on prop 8 and insist that we, your audience, do the same. Politics, along with individual personal beliefs should not be dealt with in a church setting. I would really like to start attending your sermons again, but do not want to sit through any gay bashing or any bashing for that matter. Though I may or may not feel the same way you do in regards to Proposition 8, I feel these are very personal decisions we should be made to make on our own.
Someone who I will not name....
My Response
Dear __________,
Your letter surprises me...
We are a Bible Believing church..
and every week we preach from God's word..
The Bible is VERY clear about the SIN of homosexuality...
Read Romans 1. Read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And then read the passages dealing with MARRIAGE...being between a MAN and a WOMAN..
Voting yes on Prop 8 is not "Gay Bashing"... Why do you put that label on me???
The Letter I Received.
Dear Pastor,This is Sunday morning when myself and my husband normally attend your 10 a.m. sermons and always walk out refreshed and with a purpose for that coming week. But over the last few sermons I am have been extremely bothered by the fact that you have so verbally taken a position on prop 8 and insist that we, your audience, do the same. Politics, along with individual personal beliefs should not be dealt with in a church setting. I would really like to start attending your sermons again, but do not want to sit through any gay bashing or any bashing for that matter. Though I may or may not feel the same way you do in regards to Proposition 8, I feel these are very personal decisions we should be made to make on our own.
Someone who I will not name....
My Response
Dear __________,
Your letter surprises me...
We are a Bible Believing church..
and every week we preach from God's word..
The Bible is VERY clear about the SIN of homosexuality...
Read Romans 1. Read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And then read the passages dealing with MARRIAGE...being between a MAN and a WOMAN..
Voting yes on Prop 8 is not "Gay Bashing"... Why do you put that label on me???
Is it because I am standing on Genesis 2:24... wanting gays NOT to redefine marriage so they can teach their perversion to children in our public schools?
I have a few nore questions for you..
Do you believe that homosexuality is a sin??
Do you believe that it's ok to redefine marriage???
Do you believe that it's ok to teach homosexuality to first graders??
Have you ever, in your life time, written a letter to a homosexual man or woman who "Christian Bashes".
Do you believe that God places a HIGH VALUE on children and condemns anyone who leads them down the wrong path?
Do you think that the Bible is OUT DATED??
Did you not hear me say that I LOVE ALL PEOPLE... including all Gays...
But I have a greater love for Marriage as God defines it.
I have preached against MANY SINS...
Greed, Adultery, Stealing, Slander, Gossip, Idolatry, etc....
Why is it OK to preach against other sins and NOT ok to preach against the sin of Homosexuality??
Are not all sins the same?
And isn't the reason why God gave us the Bible was to free of those sins.
Please know that I will continue to preach TO sinners LIKE MYSELF.... and continue to LIFT UP THE BIBLE as the STANDARD.... and continue to LOVE all people regardless if they obey it or not....
Please know that I will continue to push YES on PROP 8 and wish you would join me...
and please start writing letters to all the gay's who openly "Christian Bash" every single day..
And YES..... this weekend in church I will continue to inform OUR church so that they will join the fight in protecting our children and protecting the definition of Marriage. Your letter PROVES to me that I need to preach even harder on this subject and clear up the confusion of people who don't understand the fight that we are in.
And TRUST ME, GOD is going to JUDGE our nation for not making a stand. Please join us in making a stand FOR Marriage...
I have a few nore questions for you..
Do you believe that homosexuality is a sin??
Do you believe that it's ok to redefine marriage???
Do you believe that it's ok to teach homosexuality to first graders??
Have you ever, in your life time, written a letter to a homosexual man or woman who "Christian Bashes".
Do you believe that God places a HIGH VALUE on children and condemns anyone who leads them down the wrong path?
Do you think that the Bible is OUT DATED??
Did you not hear me say that I LOVE ALL PEOPLE... including all Gays...
But I have a greater love for Marriage as God defines it.
I have preached against MANY SINS...
Greed, Adultery, Stealing, Slander, Gossip, Idolatry, etc....
Why is it OK to preach against other sins and NOT ok to preach against the sin of Homosexuality??
Are not all sins the same?
And isn't the reason why God gave us the Bible was to free of those sins.
Please know that I will continue to preach TO sinners LIKE MYSELF.... and continue to LIFT UP THE BIBLE as the STANDARD.... and continue to LOVE all people regardless if they obey it or not....
Please know that I will continue to push YES on PROP 8 and wish you would join me...
and please start writing letters to all the gay's who openly "Christian Bash" every single day..
And YES..... this weekend in church I will continue to inform OUR church so that they will join the fight in protecting our children and protecting the definition of Marriage. Your letter PROVES to me that I need to preach even harder on this subject and clear up the confusion of people who don't understand the fight that we are in.
And TRUST ME, GOD is going to JUDGE our nation for not making a stand. Please join us in making a stand FOR Marriage...