no way...

Okay, this may seem REALLY REALLY REALLY juvenile (considering that I'm in college now), but I just received thEE most dramatic news in Faith Baptist history...well. I don't know that for sure, but it's pretty crazy.

All right, you ready?


Julieanne RASMUSSEN got expelled! Seriously! One of their own!! The Pastor's KID!! And for what heinous act has this girl been punished for??? What you prod??? A BOY. That's right. For doing "something" ( we know not) that deserved the ultimate punishment: EXPULSION.

Now, my head is totally spinning, so I'll post more later.

But on a lighter note: I've resolved to DEFINITELY find a job so that I can buy as much clothes as I can. Because God knows I love fashion and I'd like to lean on my own finances to do so. So if any of you reading this have a job opening you heard about in the West Hills/Canoga Park/Woodland Hills area, I'd be very appreciative!

Alright folks!! PEACE!!

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