I'd like to leave a comment for Katrine. I'm curious as to why you think I'm Baptist. I don't think I ever mentioned that in any of my blogs and I don't profess to be one. However, I am a believer in Christ and I go to a Bible believing/preaching church that loves ALL people. If you'd like to know more about them, you can visit their website sometime.

And this hate you commented are right about it. In that one perspective. However, you said that "they hate the law." Well, who creates the laws Katrine? People like you and me. So would it not make sense to logically conclude that in essence, they do hate us?

What you said about it not hurting people...well, actually it does. My reference to extortion and murder was not one made without reason. Have you heard about children going to school and being forced to learn about homosexual marriage?

Recently, a first grade class was taken on a field trip to a lesbian wedding in San Francisco. Without permission from the parents or even notification. Now you tell me, since when did schools even start teaching about heterosexual marriage in FIRST GRADE let alone gay marriage?

Last April, a man was arrested for asking the school of his son for parental notification on homosexual education in the classroom. That's all he wanted...parental notification. He already lost the argument about his son not participating in it with the school board. No one wanted to hear his case, not even the Supreme Court.

Is this not taking away the rights of the parents? Why should children learn about this at such a young age?

Katrine, I have never met you nor do I know all the things you believe in, but I hope you come to understand that there is a Right and Wrong above what WE think it is. Whether you believe in God or not, there is a Law higher than our own. And this Law was not created by Man (who are weak-minded and cowardly). It was created by One who knows what's best for us. And it was created out of Love based intentions. God was not just throwing in rules that would make us unhappy. When He created marriage (and if you want to discuss this topic too, I'd be very obliged to do so) He made it so that it would be between only ONE man and ONE woman. I'm referencing C.S.Lewis' book Mere Christianity about this Right and Wrong...just in case you were curious.

If Prop 8 were to be voted down, then where would we stop? You are asking for rights, correct? Well, rights without moral values will end up in chaos. We cannot just give rights to anyone who pleads for it, no matter how much we may think it is "okay." If we are going to let people marry "whoever they fall in love with," then let us then legalize polygomy. This is an entirely separate topic with it's own arguments, and I'll be talking about it more in my later posts.

After reading this, I hope you do some research on the psychological, medical, scientific, and moral consequences of a union between people of the same sex. And don't just look up the views of one side. Explore all the different perspectives and what they have to say. Then come back and we'll talk about it.

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