I cried when I saw this

One of my old classmates from Faith Baptist was burning Yes on Prop 8 signs recently. I was totally crying. I mean, do they really hate us that much? Well I can't hate them. I could never hate sinners. Because I'm one too. But I WILL stand for what is right. And a Yes on Prop 8 IS right. God created marriage to be between ONE man and ONE woman. And those who think otherwise are perverting and destroying the foundation upon which marriage was built. How much lower can we fall? As a society, what else will we say is okay? Homosexuality is a SIN. Should we say that murder is okay too? How about extortion and fraud? They are definitely sins, but people would say, "Well, it's right for them." "Equality for everyone."
This isn't right, folks. Seriously, what would the patriarchs of this country say if they heard about this? I bet they'd be weeping too.
I'm going to pray for the people who say No on Prop 8. I'm not going to hate them; bash them; patronize them as they have to me. As a Christian, I'm going to love them even more because they need God even more. As a Christian, I must hate what God hates. I must oppose what He opposes. God hates SIN. God hates homosexuality. And note this, I did NOT say that He hates homosexuals. Because He absolutely doesn't. He loves them all. Just as He loves the serial killer on deathrow. The cheating businessman in the stock market. The gang member in the slums. ALL of them.
Please vote Yes on 8...Protect marriage. Protect the family.