
Thanks for continuing to respond on this issue.

On your comment about the lawsuits, it has already happened. Now you can argue against it however many times you see fit, but the facts are there. If churches still have that 2nd amendment right, then why is Congress considering a law that won't even let preachers stand up at the podium and even read Romans 1 (which talks about marriage between a man and woman)? It has already happened in Canada where a preacher was arrested for preaching against homosexuality. And it will soon happen here.

When I responded that gay couples would be going to churches to get married, I did forget about the marriage license in the process. I'm really sorry about that. You have a valid point there. However, there will be gay couples demanding to have the ceremony in churches that won't allow it. And there is a possibility that those churches will be sued.

And your point about hating the sin not the sinner is also valid. However, that never truly happens does it? When you asked if I hate those who vote for things I don't agree with, in a sense I do. Just today, my English professor and most of the students were excited in a discussion about the lawsuit the ACLU was conducting against Prop 8. And frankly, I was really angry at them for even thinking that homosexual marriages are okay. I always harbor some form of that hate against people with whom I don't agree with. And to be honest, I even harbor some of it toward you. And I'm really sorry about that.

As for who gets hurt and who doesn't. That is somewhat of a gray area for me. Nevertheless, the parents of those children do not have a constitutional right in what the schools teach their kids. They cannot ask for notification. They cannot object to the school board's decision to teach it. I'm not sure if I included this in my response last time (you can correct me if I'm wrong), but even a father was put in jail for asking that his son not participate in sex education.

And in terms of the kids themselves, why teach them things of the world that are not for them yet? You asked your mom the question of homosexuality, and because you were mature enough to understand, you were able to take that information without it impairing any part of your childhood. Now that was my own reasoning of your story, but it is not the same with every child. What I worry about is the voice of the parents. If they want their children to learn about sex in first grade, that is the parent's choice. Of course, the maturity of the child must be taken into account, but that is what should occur. But it doesn't and that is what scares me. Parents with no choice in what their children should or should not learn.

With every response I try to make sure that I am not causing any animosity between me and the ones I respond to. If ever you feel I am doing that to you, please let me know. Have a blessed week Katrine.

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