Last Words...

After this post, I will most likely not touch on the subject ever again.

Please understand that I'm not homophobic (I have many gay, lesbian, and bisexual friends that I have come to love but still disagree with.), racist, or intolerant. At least I try my best not to be. But it grieves me so much that people still continue to argue with me in anger. I've been getting so many comments about my intolerance and ignorance of the rights of homosexuals to marriage. So much so that it's been mentally draining on me to respond to each of them. I'm truly sorry if I've angered many of you, and I hope you can come to forgive me. But for now, let's just agree to disagree.

It is apparent that I cannot sway any of you; and it was never my intention. It's not my job to change your minds. That is between you and God.

Anger does not allow one to think clearly. Instead, it turns us into creatures who rely just on emotion and not logic. Responding in anger will never sway one to the other side. It will always be an obstacle in our arguments, correct? The more we get upset, the more we lessen our chance for a dialogue in which we can have a chance of potentially swaying the other person to our side.

I will make this last point before I place this topic away (for now). Many of you (and others who agree with No on Prop 8) tend to tell me about "Equality", "Tolerance", and "Rights." And I ruminated on it before I decided to create this post. And what I have come to in conclusion, is that you are not practicing the very thing you are preaching to me. I have been called a bigot, homophobic, racist, and hypocritical preacher. And I only seem to relate to the last one since I am guilty of being as such on too many different occasions. However, I am not being treated the same way you all are asking me to treat you. Neighbors threaten to take away my "Yes on 8" signs, but is that not my right to free speech? And is that not intolerant? Correct me if I am wrong, but have I not apologized time and again for my momentary offensiveness? Have I not taken the time to consider and even agree with some of you on points you made clear to me? I have sincerely been trying my best to not anger anyone, but it seems that I've done it anyway. Again, I'm very very very sorry.

But let's face it, folks. I can argue with all of you all day, all week, all month, all year long and we will still not come to a common ground. But I would rather have people that I can have a logical dialogue with, than have to defend myself against offensive language that does not describe me.

I am for traditional marriage, while many of you are not. If that is the case, then let us stop here before it turns into an argument filled with hate and blind emotional reasoning. If you are to quarrel with me about equality and rights, then allow me to have a right to my beliefs. Allow me the right to speak about those beliefs as I will continue to allow you to disagree with them. I am all for equality, tolerance, and the rights we should all share, but if that is going to lead us into something ugly then let it be ended now. I don't know anything about any of you and I have never seen your faces; but at least believe me when I say that I really do care for you guys. I hope you all will continue to be passionate about what you believe in, no matter how much we may disagree.

I respect all of you in what you believe and I still want to continue to hear from you on other topics that I will be posting. Have a blessed week everyone!

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