To "No On Prop 8 okayyy"

I'm not a theologian or an expert on this issue. And I certainly don't have any significant authority that anyone including yourself should believe.

However, I am entitled to a right to Truth. And (you can disagree with me on this completely) God's word is entirely true. From what you have commented on my blog, you appear to be in on Christianity. Nevertheless, let's be frank. How can you accept Truth and deny it in the same way? From my point of view (again, I'm sure there are others who don't see it this way) it seems that your reasoning is deeply fallible.

Read the Bible. In the first chapter of Romans, Paul clearly states what God has ordained as marriage. Again, like I counter argued with Katrine, we can deliberate on the origins of marriage but that would probably not get us anywhere.

You say that you're deeply disappointed. Well, I'm truly sorry to say; but I feel the same way about you. You cannot profess to love God and follow what Man thinks is right. Why is it a sin, you ask? Because it was not meant to be that way from the Beginning. Did God create Adam and Ethan? Did God create Amy and Eve? You know that it was not like that.

He even destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Two cities bent on sinful ways such as homosexuality. In Leviticus there are verses that talk about homosexuality. Is that not proof enough that He did not mean for love to be interpreted in that way?

I hope you do not read this in anger and refuse to consider my side of the argument. Since Katrine and Corey have brought up their own opinions, I have been considering everything they have said. Honest to goodness, I have tried my best to be as objective as possible, but I know my words don't come out that way. If you are deeply offended by what I have said in response to your comment, I'm so sorry. That was not my intent. What I desired was for you to come to understand where God is coming from on this issue and where I am coming from in agreeing with God. All that I can do from my keyboard is type all my banter and logic, but it's always up to you to agree or disagree. I highly advise you to read Romans 1 and "Mere Christianity" by C.S.Lewis. His chapters on what's Right and Wrong and Marriage are thought provoking.

Prop 8 indeed protects marriage. Traditional marriage. It also protects their children. If a parent(s) want to teach their children about sex, that is their choice. Now whether it will be the parent's responsibility or the school's is an entirely different topic and if you'd like to talk about that, I'd be very much obliged.

No anger next time, okay?

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