Finding the Best out of this Best Buy crime

It's been quite a shocking day
Paper totally sucks
There's never any good news
You ever notice that?

It's always about people dying
People lying
People trying to live right
the Paper gets them all
All on their behinds with mud in their eyes
so they can't see who's hitting them and calling them names

This is why I hate reporters
Stinkin' deceivers straight from Satan himself
I know not all of them are like that....
But their reputation is undeniably wretched

Makes me think of the reputation of us Christians
Yea, I know a lot of you have read the paper..
Have seen the articles online
But you don't know these people..
Please, don't go around saying things like, "See how awful Christians really are?"
I've heard that all my life
and I'm sick of the excuses people make to say them

I'm a Christian..
someone who loves God
or at least is trying to, by obeying His word

but I'm also a woman
a human
I'm not perfect

To many non-believers out there
Lots of you think that Christians are supposed to be perfect
or at least appear to be..

And lots of Christians I know are complete fakes.
Well, not completely. That was an exaggeration.
For example, my old high school
Teachers there..
Most of them seemed fake to me.

But I'm not the one who's going to go around and judge people
As I've said in more animated posts, it's not my job
The way I feel about what happened
Is between me and God
Just as the ones who committed the crime have to answer to only God
As humans we ARE responsible to keep each other accountable
As Christians, we do the same thing..
God is the Judge
the overruling factor

So please..
stop expecting us to be perfect
stop scrutinizing our lives
and pinpoint every mistake we make

Because it's not about being perfect

He already did that for us

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