Calm After the Storm

So, there's this great book I'm reading right now. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a Christian and whatnot. This guy who wrote it...VERY good. He's not a snob like many Christians, intellectuals, philosophers, and theologians come across as. He's down to earth, but still maintains this presence. This authoritative character. His words on how people deal with pain and where pain comes from and why we have to go through it is beyond anything I've ever read before. I've read his other book, "Mere Christianity" and was also blown away.

I'm not going to rant about how great it is. It's something you have to experience yourself.

Seriously though!! This is real stuff here. After reading even a snippet of his work makes me want to delve into the Bible and study it even more. His observations are groundshaking and his insights continue to reach into my mind and make me believe even more.

Simply put, it's a Read Or Die book.

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