Blue Headaches

Well, it's almost 1:00 in the freakin morning. I have a colossal migraine from all the questions people keep asking me, but at the same time, I kinda like it. Call me semi-sadistic, but it feels good to be needed once in a while. I've always been the girl who takes orders and doesn't give any, you know? I'm not the "take charge" kind, and I hate having the pressure of doing anything like that. However, it does feel nice when you know people are going to listen to you. Again, something I rarely experience. So I guess this migraine isn't so bad.
Who am I kidding??? MY HEAD HURTS. I'm just typing because now I can't clear my mind and go to sleep. Aaaaaaaagh. Too many things to worry about and I'm only 18. Gosh, I just want to go to the top of a hill and scream until I turn blue. Hence this picture of me. Sweet dreams my fellow worrywarts and insomniacs!