EXACTLY why dieting is pointless w/o exercise
Diet vs. Exercise for Weight Loss By Gabrielle Reece - Posted Fri, Apr 17, 2009, 12:35 pm PDT 86% of users found this article helpful. Everyone likes to attack weight loss differently. There are those who like to combine exercise and nutrition; others change their eating only; and some would rather hit the gym and run rather than give up their favorite foods. Weight loss is possible by watching what you eat exclusively, but the research says that any successful long-term weight loss program includes a strong exercise component. In fact people who diet often regain all the weight they've lost and then some. Not to mention that constantly restricting food can be irritating, leaving us feeling grumpy, tired and hungry all of the time. So why is exercise better? 1. Exercise changes your metabolismPhysical activity changes the energy equilibrium (your metabolism) of your body by increasing the amount of energy your body needs every day. 2. Cardio burns calories One pound of fat is equal...