
Showing posts from April, 2009

EXACTLY why dieting is pointless w/o exercise

Diet vs. Exercise for Weight Loss By Gabrielle Reece - Posted Fri, Apr 17, 2009, 12:35 pm PDT 86% of users found this article helpful. Everyone likes to attack weight loss differently. There are those who like to combine exercise and nutrition; others change their eating only; and some would rather hit the gym and run rather than give up their favorite foods. Weight loss is possible by watching what you eat exclusively, but the research says that any successful long-term weight loss program includes a strong exercise component. In fact people who diet often regain all the weight they've lost and then some. Not to mention that constantly restricting food can be irritating, leaving us feeling grumpy, tired and hungry all of the time. So why is exercise better? 1. Exercise changes your metabolismPhysical activity changes the energy equilibrium (your metabolism) of your body by increasing the amount of energy your body needs every day. 2. Cardio burns calories One pound of fat is equal...

Will You Pick Up The Phone?

Pushing Daisies

I was very fortunate to have attended the screening for the last three episodes of Pushing Daisies today. It was next to the Arclight theater in Hollywood. I was a bit sad to see the last of this beloved show come to a close. Yea, there's DVD's, and they'll be showing the episodes 3 weekends in a row starting May 30...however, that's it. There is no more. The finale was a bit rushed...let's say, SQUEEZED into the last 30 seconds of the show. And that kind of made everyone just want more. It was everything and nothing that the audience wanted. If that makes any sense. Write more later...I've got to deal with a certain Balrog tonight. I'll spill some details tomorrow. goodNight!

Hmm, Birthday's coming up

So in a couple weeks I'll be turning 19. I actually want a few things this year since I didn't really expect any in the last two. I mean, I didn't get to spend them the way I wanted to, so this year, I'm going to try to think up something. For those of you who read this and know me pretty well, I like makeup. Hey, I AM a girl you know. So I decided to make a registry on Sephora of some things I like. Here it is! I really don't expect people to get me the $300 brush set, because I think that's just ridiculous for anyone to go that far for a birthday present. And, if you can't afford the stuff I'm looking for, gift cards are nice too =) But Sephora isn't the only store I love. Through the years, people think they know me pretty well...but they give me the WORST presents imaginable. Of course, I bear it and grin. I'm not ALWAYS a diva, haha. But just in case Y...

Moving On

A long time friend just broke ties with me. Over money. Yea, it happens to a lot of people, but the way this situation unfolded was anything but ordinary. It was downright juvenile. Put simply, a message on Facebook. Exactly, why? Something like this couldn't have waited a little longer? I just finished a 9 day show, and sang in 3 services. My body is exhausted, I got a touch of the stomach flu or whatever is ailing me, my sister may have cancer, and yet I find a message in my inbox telling me that our friendship is over because of money? Hmm, that's pretty lame if you ask me. I mean, to throw away years of friendship so flippantly? That may happen to some people, but that does not happen to ME. However, it was her choice, so I respected it. I prayed about it, and I believe it's God's will to let this happen. I have not shed a single tear, nor will I ever regret making this decision. Looking back, I realize that I deserve better. And that she needs someone who...

Get Ready To Be Surprised!

@ Yahoo! Video

Southwest Airlines

Reflections that I hate

Okay, so I haven't blogged in almost a week. Who effin cares??? I mean, who cares? Well, I've gotten ONE more person who's reading my blog. I actually added hers today since we both have a problem with actually GETTING any audience feedback. Hoorah! I'm not alone in my endeavors to reach someone anymore!! Anyway, so I've been contemplating how things have been going in my life. And...well, I'm not great at math, but let me put it this way. Sharai + life's crap + whatever else you can think of = SWIRLING VORTEX OF TERROR Does that make sense? Oh, whatever. Well, besides that, I'm doing okay. Been doing my best to shed a few pounds, but my bottom half still looks like two giant turkey legs. Now if you see me, don't you DARE stare at them!!! I can see these things, you know. And then there's my skin. AGH. God knows I'm trying to get rid of all my scars. I mean, if I could have 2 weeks where I didn't have to go out in public, I woul...


Hello my dear almost non-existent readers. =) It's been a couple of days since my virtual voracious vent. I have mellowed out quite a bit, but like I said before, the feelings are still there. It continues to piss me off when things like that build up inside of me. Anyway, onto the most amazing news today! FRINGE IS BACK APRIL 7! Cheer my friends. CHEER. Tis a marvelous thing, and it's about time! Being gone for all those weeks has ruined the way I look at primetime television. And it has added fuel to the fire of my hatred for AI. Those blasted producers thought Fringe wouldn't be missed. Oh HO! Guess again you overly paid twits! Stop drinking your faux espresso and GET. A. GRIP. AI is not that great. Not anymore, at least. And this whole thing between Paula and Simon is wayyyy too weird. Bring back Olivia!!!! I miss all the characters...even Mr. Jones!! DAG-GONE-IT I want my plot psychosis back! And another thing, what's with Lie To Me and Bones??? They...