Hmm, Birthday's coming up

So in a couple weeks I'll be turning 19. I actually want a few things this year since I didn't really expect any in the last two. I mean, I didn't get to spend them the way I wanted to, so this year, I'm going to try to think up something. For those of you who read this and know me pretty well, I like makeup. Hey, I AM a girl you know. So I decided to make a registry on Sephora of some things I like. Here it is!

I really don't expect people to get me the $300 brush set, because I think that's just ridiculous for anyone to go that far for a birthday present.

And, if you can't afford the stuff I'm looking for, gift cards are nice too =) But Sephora isn't the only store I love. Through the years, people think they know me pretty well...but they give me the WORST presents imaginable. Of course, I bear it and grin. I'm not ALWAYS a diva, haha. But just in case YOU (my lovable posse) wanted to know, here's a list of stores that have a special place in my makeup drawer and closet.

1) H&M
2) XXI
3) Sephora
4) DSW
5) Steve Madden
6) Siddecca (can be found in the Northridge mall, but who GOES there anymore???)
7) C28 (ditto)
8) Target (now what kind of person would I be if I didn't put this one on my list!)
9) Macy's
10) Apple Store (who DOESN'T want an iTunes gift card???)

Well, there you have it folks, my list of sinful pleasurable stores. Personally, I have my own doubts as to who would actually get me anything on this list...because well, I really am easy to please. On a good day, even office supplies make me squeal. *sigh* A woman can only hope, I guess? haha

But besides that, I hope to throw a small get together . Maybe in early May? We'll see what happens!!

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