Listen Up YOU

Alright, before I address that passage I posted early this morning, can I just vent a tiny bit??

NEVER, in my 19 years as a homosapien have I ever been so confused, pissed off, and hungry all at the same time. Well, the last one is practically constant since I do need sustenance everyone now and then. However, I have never felt this this DEGREE!!!! I got a message on facebook around 12:30 in the morning..and a poor bystanding pillow had to endure my screaming into it.

You know what??? HERE. Just read it for yourselves. It pertains to that incident I posted about a couple weeks ago.

Here's what SHE put.

"hey its been a while now...i was wondering if you have some sort of money to pay me back yet?...i'm sending this to you on facebook since you don't seem to respond to calls and i can't force you to sign a promissory note if you don't want to
i'll just have to rely on you honesty that you plan to pay me back without cheating me"

Second message:

"seriously sharai the sooner you return the money the sooner i can finally cut all ties with you
right i really want to forget about our friendship but its really hard when i keep thinking about the money
please save me and give me back my money"

Third message:

"exactly how are you even handling it?
i need to you an estimated time of when you would get me my money in order to leave you alone otherwise how else am i suppose so believe someone like you?"

Fourth message:

"if i know when you can pay me back at least i won't ask until that time comes"

All this, EARLY in the morning. I only responded once and that was between the second and third message. All I said was that i'd take care of it and for her to LEAVE ME ALONE.

Of course, she just keeps yapping on.

Look. I'm not a bad person. Just because I'm not friends with her anymore, doesn't mean that my character has changed. I haven't morphed into some mutated criminal who will cheat her out of her precious money. But apparently, in her eyes, I have. So sue me. Which, by the way, she can't do since the original amount I owed her was 4.5 times more than what I NOW owe. Of course, I paid more than half of the original amount. And now, she's harping about this much smaller amount.

She didn't remember that she owed me close to $200 for her student parking ticket at CSUN. Did I badger her to pay me back?? No. Not until she brought all this "pay me back NOW" business. So she quickly decided to cut that amount that she owes me from the amount that I owe her. However, she then decided to add $20 more to that amount just because she paid $12 for me to get into a club that SHE invited me to.

So now, (if you haven't been able to do the math) I owe her $280. NOW.

I have no job. I have no money with which to pay her with. I am in debt enough as it is. And she wants me to pay her back FIRST?? My bank's nicer than her!!!!!!!!!!

Look, I know it was a bad thing to borrow money. I realize that. I understand it. And it won't be happening again, I assure you. I'm paying her back by the end of the month. Only God knows HOW I'll do it. But I will.

I'm just tired of having people like her in my life. I mean, I want to cut ties just as much as she does. But she needs to stop treating me like a felon. I didn't rob Fort Knox. And what I owe now is significantly smaller than before.

She needs to realize THAT and just let me handle this.

Okay, I'm done venting for now. :)

Have a nice day.

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