
Showing posts from July, 2009

RIP Tropicana July 26, 2009

Why? Of all the days of the week. Of all the months of the year. Of all the years of century. She picked Sunday to die. Sunday, to be so blind that she couldn't see the pool and walk right into it. It's been almost been a week since it happened. And just last night, it hit me. I was about to close my eyes to sleep when the dread and sorrow fell over me like a thick blanket. And just as I realized it, the feeling was already gone. I've made my peace with what happened to my poor dog. I won't ever forget the time when we took her with us on a vacation. She was still a puppy then. During the whole ride, she slept next to me. She laid right next to my thigh, keeping half of me warm while my parents blasted the AC in the rented van. I remember when we were looking for her one night. We couldn't find her since her fur was so black. And the only reason why I found her, sitting on the couch in the living room, was from the silver gleam in her eyes reflecting the ...

Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland Trailer

Risen At The California Plaza July 15, 2009

It was so much fun being at the Heritage Month Culmination Reception! ABC7 News was there, so we got our 24 seconds of fame. :) But besides that, the different cultures represented were so beautiful. And then I looked at our choir, and knew that this was a small glimpse at what Heaven was going to be like. Mayor V (since I have no idea how to spell it) even said that the most segregated time and place is a church on a Sunday; but that Shepherd of the Hills was the exception to that. If you look at our church, it is filled with so many different races and cultures. Like Mayor V said, "you guys are a kaleidoscope of the community." I mean, just look at this photo! This is just a minuscule number of people that represent Shepherd. Imagine, 8,000-10,000 people, all different in the way we look, but all alike in the belief of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for everyone. Pretty cool, eh?? A friend of mine did some Spoken Word a while ago, and what he wrote really correlat...

Judith Singing

She goes to my church Shepherd of the Hills...awesome way of showing her testimony


Just shutup and let me do this the way I know it needs to be done. You don't know me. You don't know how I feel. You've never, "been there." These days are different than yours. It's not the same. Maybe to you it is. And in generic ways, sure, I'll agree to that. But don't think that you have the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. Don't tell me that you know my parents, or that you know ME. "Your parents love you and want the best for you." That right there SHOWS you don't know my parents. My dad could give a crap for how much he "cares about me." He's only about saving face, and using me to brag to his other friends so that he can appear better than them. The man almost hit me when I was six!! He used to dig his fingers into my head while he constantly told me that I was useless and could amount to nothing. I used to try to show him drawings and sculptors I made, and he would always thro...

Still ___________

Height: 5'2" Weight: 110 lbs State of mind: frustrated anger This has been the most amusing few months, I must admit. Who knew that such events would unfold in my life? If you had told me this last year, would I have believed you? I'm not sure. Maybe. Maybe not. But no one can remove themselves from this present to change the future for their own benefit. However, that is what I wish for at this moment. To make a decision, to say the words that should've altered the reality I exist in now. But, as I have already mentioned on another blog (so as to keep prying eyes away from what I'm really feeling since what I'm feeling is wrong according to some people) , I don't appreciate reminiscing about past ventures. Ventures that recently have left me scarred and aggravated to no end. When a venture is cut off due to certain feelings, actions, and so on, it is completely erased from my mind. I remember anything about it no more. Good things, bad things, and ...

Now's The Time

Alright, folks. Tomorrow's the day that things will change. I'm not going to talk about it here since it's pointless to waste virtual space talking about the crap in my life. What I will say is that I'm going to confront a certain person tomorrow and just be honest. I'm going to "suck up" to her and get this huge burden off my shoulder. She probably won't give a damn and will rub everything in my face. But whatever. I'd like to put more, but again...who really gives a crap about this? I'm done living at the bottom of the sewer aka my just watch what I do next.