Just shutup and let me do this the way I know it needs to be done. You don't know me. You don't know how I feel. You've never, "been there." These days are different than yours. It's not the same. Maybe to you it is. And in generic ways, sure, I'll agree to that. But don't think that you have the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. Don't tell me that you know my parents, or that you know ME. "Your parents love you and want the best for you." That right there SHOWS you don't know my parents. My dad could give a crap for how much he "cares about me." He's only about saving face, and using me to brag to his other friends so that he can appear better than them. The man almost hit me when I was six!! He used to dig his fingers into my head while he constantly told me that I was useless and could amount to nothing. I used to try to show him drawings and sculptors I made, and he would always throw it away; saying that anything I made was garbage. Even NOW, all he wants me to do is go into medicine and make a lot of money so he can use that to his own advantage. He's not proud of me just the way I am. I have to jump through hoops to even get a smidgen of encouragement. And most of the time, he STILL doesn't care. He doesn't even try to HELP me be a better person. And now he's accusing me of being a bad person...saying that I'm just going to become a whore on the streets and then he'll say that he won't bail me out of any trouble I get into.
He's NEVER done that, and I wouldn't want him to anyway. Not now. Not ever.
Anyway, I just wanted to post this since people have been trying (in vain) to convince me that my dad's a good person. He's not. And sad to say, there are some things I've inherited from him. Even more reason why I admit that I'M a bad person. GRRRRRR