The Cold Cannot Come Sooner

I think the weather is reading my mind...
I've been yearning for a cool breeze to come
For the clouds to occlude the overwhelming heat of the sun
I crave for the icy bite on my face
For the crisp air to enter my lungs
It's a sign that Winter is approaching
A time that suits me perfectly
It is the extension of who I really am
A cold-hearted being surrounded in her element of ice

With it I'm able to hide myself under sheets and blankets
Staying the right temperature
Both inside and out
I'm immune to others emotions
and am able to only feel my own
Just as it should always be

This selfishness was born in my heart
As I was born into this world
She has festered and has rooted down
Her existence can no longer be moved
Her arms engulf me in an icy embrace
One that I do not want to ever leave
She keeps me from harm
From those who would hurt me

Some have broken through
"Friends" who would have me believe that the sun will not harm me
Deceiving me into thinking that I could make such a transition
Such foolishness
I was such a fool to believe their words

Now I lie here
Those familiar arms wrapping me in indifference as cold as Death
Now I rest here
Waiting for the pain to come again with the light

Please, just let me go
I only want to be alone

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