What Happens When You Combine Hair Gel and Spanish Cats?

You know, it's been FOREVER since I posted up something about food. I realized this today since I've been on a food binge since Saturday (yay for unwanted fat in places that already look quite unsightly!!!!). So here's one that I thought up of: Gelato.

OH.MY.GOODNESS. If anyone wants to make me happy for the next 100 years, I suggest getting me a quart of this delectable dessert. It's SOOOOO awesome. Period! I mean, what's there to not like about it?? There's tons of flavors. It's foreign. AND it's super expensive in most places. Yahhhh, I know. It's the only downside. Sorry, guys. But if you're a sensible person who's not a diabetic, you'll not treat this like ice cream.

No really!! There's this one place in Santa Monica called Angelato and just one scoop is like two bucks or something. UGHHHHHHHHH. I've got the whole "poor college student" sign flashing in my head right now. haha. It's a good indulgence though. Not like waffles, ya know? Hmmmm...waffles. Don't get it? Uhhh, neither do I. I just think it's a lot easier to get waffles than gelato...unless you make it yourself...but who wants to do that????

I mean, what if you have a sudden urge for it, but didn't have any?? How lame is that?? You have to plan ahead, which is not cool. If only they sold gelato like they sold ice cream -_-" Anyway, you guys are all probably thinking I'm super lazy haha. Yah, I feel lazy right now! Well, for all you NON-lazy people who are most likely 10 times cooler than me, here's a recipe for strawberry gelato!!!! Hmmmmmm....do invite me over or bring me some if you decide to make it...I'll LOVE you FOREVER =)

Thank you to Jessica for such an awesome recipe!!

Gelato di Fragola
Strawberry Gelato


  • 1 lb. fresh strawberries
  • 12 oz. granulated sugar, about 1.5 cups
  • 1.5 cup cold whipping cream
  • 1.5 cup cold water
  • dash of lemon juice (only if fruit isn’t “bright” enough)


  1. Clean and cut washed berries into quarters, or just smaller pieces.
  2. Put berries, sugar and water into a blender or food processor and blend until liquid and smooth. (This is also where you’ll add lemon juice if necessary.)
  3. Whip the cream until slightly thickened - like the consistency of buttermilk.
  4. Combine the cream with the strawberry mixture and mix thoroughly until blended.
  5. Freeze as indicated by the manufacturer of your ice cream maker.

Notes & Modifications

  • This works for stone fruits (like peaches) as well, but with stone fruits you always need to add a dash of lemon juice to the mixture. I’ve also used this basic recipe for raspberries and blueberries - you just have to keep tasting the mixture to get the right blend of tart (lemon juice) and sweet (sugar).
  • The mixture will lose a little of its sweetness when it goes through the freezing process, so if the finished product seems a bit too sweet to you, that’s a good thing.
  • I don’t bother whipping the cream, I just pour it from the container into the blender with everything else and blitz it all together.
  • I add a few teaspoons or so of vodka to the mixture (at the same time I add lemon juice) so that it doesn’t freeze quite so hard. If you don’t add vodka, you’ll just need to pull it out of the freezer 10 or so minutes before you want to scoop it so it has time to soften a bit.
  • To make sure the mixture freezes really well, I do all the blitzing in the blender and then stick the mixture into the fridge for a few hours to make sure it’s nice and cold before it goes into the ice cream maker.

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