Bring It Back
Well who knew?? Elephants CAN scare themselves with their own sneeze! So here's another post.
Finally woke up.
But it wasn't from sleep. Just my personal concoction of ignorance and pride.
I used to love riding my bike. I used to love being outside.
my mind was made to believe that I didn't really love those things.
It wasn't so much the television shows, celebrity pictures, or the culture as much as it was my own skewed view of who I am and what I love.
You may think it's a bit silly, but I used to ride my bike for hours around my pool. Nowhere else. Looking at the pool now from my bedroom window, it's incredible that I didn't realize how cramped it was. Still, I was able to stay in that one area from the time I got home from school till it became too cold to be outside. Hahah, I would even wear this sundress with bike shorts underneath. Thought the dress was pretty at the time. I don't know where it is now, but the last memory I have of that dress was seeing how faded the printed flowers had become.
I loved how I got the perfect breeze to ruffle my once fine, straight hair. Turning my bike around each corner (with ONE hand, mind you hahahaha I was seven, okay?) I would imagine myself in a different situation where I was surrounded by all these people. No, they weren't dead, and no, it wasn't because I ate magic mushrooms; didn't even know what magic mushrooms were till "Bridget Jones 2." The people I imagined were friends I never had. They smiled, encouraged, respected, praised; even laughed with me.
Biking meant so much. I wasn't focused on being exceptionally good at it; just focused on building my world with it. I guess it was the catalyst for all my mind wanderings and crazy daydreams because no one bothered me until dinner time. I miss the isolation and thrill.
I want it back. Not for the same reasons I just mentioned, but for my health; or so my not-so-forgiving Levi pants told me this morning when I put them on. So later, I'll break out my old bike, assess the overall decay and damage and see if there's any chance of salvaging it. What?
New bikes can be super $$$$$$$$$
*yawns* Whoa, it's almost 1:30 in the morning. Sleep! Till next time =D