Fans! Lend Me Your Ears!

"Become a Fan"


I think I'd be surprised to find out if people click on more "Become a Fan" buttons or more on their Farmville app. Just wondering.

Anyway, I think there are just too many fan pages out there. Sure, it's great (not to mention strangely satisfying) to know that you're not alone when you find one about people who agree on the page, "Believe me, if I could hit you, I would." It's a good feeling.


There was one I couldn't stop thinking about for a while. You've probably seen it too. The, "Hi, I wasted a very long time liking you" fan page. It's got 1,725,800 fans as of 10 seconds ago.

Good idea, I think.

Because I certainly have experienced this many times.

Not going to name names.

But there has a good handful of guys I've wasted time on. I've lost days on guys that, in the end, don't give me the time of day. Sounds really bitter, now that I look back on it; but there it is.

I wonder...if this might turn into an actual problem. For me, at least. Maybe it's my lack of tact; maybe it's my knack for being dense; maybe...ah, I don't know. Does it matter? All I know is that it's not such a bad feeling. There's about 2 million people that feel the same way.

Yea...that's not so bad at all.

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