Lindsay Lohan = What They're All Thinking
They hate us.
Deceivers they name us.
It crushes me
It pressures me
It angers me
to no end.
"Christians" they laugh.
Pointing the finger at us
And Him.
Judgement they give us.
And yet.
And yet we accept it.
We shrug our shoulders
And bear it.
He bears it.
Every second of everyday.
Such hate and humiliation
He receives from those He loves.
Still, should we not stand up straighter?
Lift our heads higher?
And raise our hands to the heavens
When they "call us out?"
We cower.
We shrink.
We bow down to their hate.
We look foolish instead of confident.
"All roads lead to heaven."
"Jesus isn't the only way."
He IS the only way.
These things,
And more,
Should escape our lips.
Truth is more adamant than steel.
It has stood amidst the Lies
Longer than the beginning
Of time.
Although I am weak.
I will stand with Truth.
We are all weak without God.
We cannot exist without Him.
As weak as we are,
Under the sacrifice of the cross,
We become strong.
His strength will give us boldness
To speak Truth
No matter how many
Lindsay Lohan's
Come our way.