Words, Phrases, Hope

I'm scared.

As in, "shakin' in my boots" scared.

A few reasons why. But all in all, I just want release from this fear.

God's been working on my heart.

When I'm about to commit a terrible sin, His words pop up in my mind.

Words that He has spoken through others.

And yet, I sin anyway. So stupid.

But I remain happy and hopeful.

Want to know why?

Because tomorrow is a new day and God is still in control.

Can't help but relax when I remember that.

I don't know what He's got planned just yet.

He hasn't gotten back to me on the when, where, and how.

A bit frustrating.


These words help get rid of my impatience

And I can wait a little bit longer...

"I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining.
I believe in love, even when it's not shown.
I believe in God, even when He's silent."

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