
Took my dog out for a walk yesterday. Who knew I was going to be sniped by a grasshopper, a bee, and something else that flies like a drunk mosquito? Could be a sign. Or it could just be that it's Spring and all the crazy insects in the San Fernando Valley are coming out to wreak havoc on people's psyches; particularly mine.

Anyway, Easter's coming up and I hope you guys will be in church for that. I don't know about you, but aside from the pastel colored dresses to the plethora of allergy attacking flowers, I love Easter. At least at my church. It's just something about the music and the message and seeing everyone there that gives me a lift. Like...many of the people that will be there probably don't go to church unless it's Christmas, Easter, or the death of a family member ya know? But it's SOMETHING. A start! No, not "the start of something new" you High School Musical weirdos. A start to keep going to church. And it's nice to think that even though those people may not go to church on a weekly basis, they still remember the most important events.'ve drawn a blank. No lie! I actually have nothing else to add to that. I've had a lot on my mind lately and it's hard to keep my focus =/ Sorry folks. I'll leave you with a nice vid so don't' fret! And anyway, hope to see you in church on Sunday!

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