Beautiful Letdown

I love Switchfoot. I'll be practical and say that I haven't listened to them in a year. The song title just popped in my head, and now I'm humming the melody.

Today's a bit gloomy. Like my life, today has bits of sunshine poking through, but they're almost immediately eclipsed by those gray clouds.

I miss my old life. What was I thinking, wanting to grow up when I was younger? It's absurd!! And in future, I'm going to tell every child that says that to me to never want something that dreadful.

Growing up is more painful and dismal than, say the most tragic movie you can find.

You learn to cope with new things you didn't know before; things that change your outlook on life for better or worse. Growing up is pretty much that; coping. We accept responsibilities, not wanting 99% of them. We grudgingly understand that more is expected of us; more that we sometimes find near impossible. We are always compared to others and never seen by ourselves as an individual. I'm not trying to preach self above all others; or whatever the psycho-babble is called. That's for people who analyze other people too much without giving themselves any thought. I'm just ranting (to myself, mostly) about this crazy thing called adulthood.

In about a month I will no longer be a teenager. Meaning I'll have to leave that part of my life behind and step into those uncomfortable shoes that adults wear. I'm not ready. I don't want to be forced into this next chapter. And above all, I'm scared witless.

Man, Peter Pan had it right. Till next time!

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