Plain Jane Speaks.
I hate cool people.
They have the right kind of clothes. They speak the right kind of words. The guys wear the right cologne. They listen to the right kind of music. They go to the right kind of places. The girls wear the right kind of makeup. They have the right kind of humor. They have the right kind of friends.
I'm not anti-cool people, by the way. I just don't like all. Sounds a bit bitter, doesn't it? Well, what would you say if I told you I am?
I was never "cool". Used to be. Then, somehow I ended up part of a group of outcasts. Don't get me wrong, I love not being a part of whatever the "cool" people are doing. I don't think I ever fit in, in the first place anyway.
If you were to compare a list of what I liked to do with that of a "cool" person, I'm quite sure you'd see an outstanding difference. I'm not a party-crazy person. I don't like going out all the time. I'd rather stay at home, eat, read a good book, listen to my playlist of pop; rock; and easy listening, play a video game, blog, and sleep. I even like doing laundry, and one of my guilty pleasures is a pack of brand new sharpies! Needless to say, a weird, homebody if I ever knew one.
I don't know...I just think it's unfair. That an outcast like me gets looked down on by the "cool" people. Why can't it be the other way around for once? When will I ever get the chance to feel something other than socially challenged?
By the way, listen to Animal by Neon Trees when you get the chance. I'm officially addicted to this song...just...not the lead singer's hair. Not a big fan there. Til then peeps!