Cure My Weekend.

So...I've apparently been left here alone while everyone else has gone out shopping. That's...nice?

This has been the strangest weekend I've had in I don't know how long. Usually when my day starts out great it ends even better. Guess there's always the exception. Thanks a lot Murphy.

You know, I haven't been this upset with my dad since he last drank himself willy nilly when he got a promotion. This week he found out he might get fired. No wonder he's been drinking a whole lot more this year. At least, that's what I'm seeing. I've never met anyone with so many mood swings. And this is not just because he goes all werewolf on us when there's a full moon. He's always been this way.

Last Sunday, I had a conversation with one of my cousins about our dads; they're both quite similar in character. She pointed out that while her dad is just as crazy as mine, at least my dad goes to church. I didn't really have the heart to tell her that although my dad goes to church every week, he doesn't ever apply what he learns. Besides giving up smoking and cussing, he hasn't changed much. He still yells at us over the smallest things; he still grumbles about my grandma right in front of her; he still gets really drunk on Saturday night then wakes up for church in the morning; he still never says "sorry" or "thank you". Honestly, I could list more things that he still does; things that he's always done since I could remember, but what would be the point?

He doesn't want to change; or maybe just doesn't see the need to do so for our sake. I suppose he is a major reason as to why I can be so cynical and sarcastic. Scares me whenever I think that no matter how many times I tell myself, "I never want to be like him", I probably will be at the end of the day.

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