Is it just me or is this Friday not going so well?

Lots of little things are starting to irk me quite a bit. UGH. Why am I in such a bad mood?? Usually on a bright day like this, I'd be clicking my heels, baking something delicious, and whistling all around the house.

Maybe it's just one of those days. Maybe it's because I only had 4 1/2 hours of sleep. Maybe it's because I feel a bit lonely right now...

Nah...can't be.

Anyway, I was thinking about my birthday. I'll be twenty in four days! I should be annoyingly excited about something like this, but for some reason...I'm just scared.

Could there be something wrong with me? I don't think I can explain this fear I have very eloquently so I'll just leave it at that. Maybe I'll feel differently about it tomorrow. You know what? Even though I'm in a bad mood, I think I'll bake some banana bread or something. In my opinion, baking should be considered a kind of therapy; no matter how messy the process is, the result is almost always grrrrreat! Okay, that was a bad attempt at baking humor. Nevermind! Till next time folks

Currently listening to this song...hope you guys like it.

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