Topeka = Google While YouTube Is Menstruating On Me

Is it some April Fool's joke that Google and the town of Topeka, Kansas have switched names, and that YouTube has the weirdest new layout?

I do hope so.

Funny how we all complain about Facebook when there are new changes. In the end, we accept them don't we? Sure, we gripe and raise our fist against the man who has forced such changes on us. Still, we all manage to go on with our lives, changes tagging along. And this is where I segue into how life changes and how we all manage to keep moving forward; changes in tow.

But I don't feel like expounding on that sentence. In fact, I feel like talking about other things. The wonder of the day and the distraught over the idea that the day is one less off my life. I get the sense that I've wasted seconds pondering things I have no business thinking about. Do you?

Maybe it's just my over-analyzation of things. I tend to do that a lot in case you haven't noticed =P

Anyway! Another thing I just thought of was how politicians always preach about change. Change the government! Change the system! Change the economy! Change the people! Change! I think they've all forgotten that change is integrated into our nation's history. It's a different kind of change though. Not this "healthcare for all" business. Not this ideal of Communism in the White House. I'm talking about the change that benefitted us morally, financially, and physically. But it seems we've all forgotten what was good and righteous. I talk to some of my friends and they all seem to live in a gray area. Wish I could say something to make them see...

But what can you do when sex is the moneymaker, and Communism is the boss?

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