Last Time...On, "WTH Just Happened"

WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD. Stuff like this almost never happens to me.

See, I met this amazing, good looking guy at a birthday party on Sunday. We talked for a while; got to know each other a little. Before I knew it, he gave me his number and email just as I was leaving.

But the whole time I was talking to him, I couldn't get my mind off someone else. Someone I've had repressed feelings for for quite a while now.

What was I thinking...flirting with that other guy. I haven't even bothered to try to send him an email.

Note to Self: The next time a guy like that comes along, make sure you don't give him the wrong idea when you give him your info. Especially when you already have feelings for someone infinitely better.

P.S. My dad actually came home with a new bike for me. That's the most decent thing he's ever done. Can hardly wait for when he starts yelling at everyone again =)

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