Mr. Sandman, Where's That Dream You Promised?

I realize it's 2:55 in the morning. But due to the fact that my hair is wet from a well earned shower and that I have been having trouble sleeping, I am not in what you would call "Dreamland."

No, instead I have decided to sit down and write up a post because I honestly have nothing else to do. It's not that I don't want to write anything on here. In all honesty, this blog has turned into somewhat of an annoying younger sibling. I can't stand having it around most of the time, but there are those other times I'm happy that I didn't get rid of it. Not that I would do that to my younger sibling in real life. Maybe I would, but only if a sparked imagination and foul mood were present.

I had a sort of wake up call today while talking to one of my closest friends. Little did I know how much I needed it. And I don't care what Paramore says, but "ignorance is not my best friend" anymore. Okay, that probably was the wrong word choice right there. It's three freakin' ten in the morning. Can you blame me? Anyway, I meant I can't continue to show indifference to the things I know I'm doing wrong. It's just not right. God knows it. I know it. So what's stopping me?

Well, that's a bit too easy to answer isn't it?


And what a tough obstacle that's going to be to overcome.

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