Bring On The Haters.

I love Johnny Depp. And not just because I think he has the most amazing cheekbones I've ever laid eyes on. You can make so many hilarious facial expressions with those cheekbones. No, he's also an amazing actor! Not many Gary Oldman's out there if you know what I mean (you probably don't, but that's not relevant).

Anyway, I just revisited "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" with my best friend tonight, and might I just say, that this movie (to quote my best friend) fits me PERFECTLY. I didn't realize this till just now! The dark yet vibrant colors, the strange humor, the quirky situations, the music (composed by Danny Elfman. DUH. It's a Tim Burton movie), the creativity!

I know not a lot of people liked the film; in fact, most people thought it was horrible. But I thoroughly enjoyed it! Honestly, I could give two pence what other people think. It was a wonderful movie! And it made my weekend to watch it with my best friend.

And on that note, bonne nuit mes amis. Demain est un noveau jour. Profitez de ce.

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