Heat, Heat Go Away Come Again Another Century.
I hate hot weather with the intensity of a thousand suns. Pun intended.
Bit ironic since I live in Califreakinfornia, right? I mean, you'd think I wouldn't mind this heat at all. HA! Yeah right! Now don't get me wrong, most of the time I love it here. Other times, like today? Ehh, not so much. I don't know, this heat just makes me feel extremely sluggish and irritable. For example, today when someone rang the door bell, I snapped at my sister when she refused to help me get the dog out of the way. Well, okay, snapped isn't the right word. More like growled.
And now I feel really guilty.
Dangnabit. If this heat doesn't abate soon, I'm going to be doing more than just growling at people.