
Felt a bit rebellious yesterday. This may seem really odd, but I decided to walk around my house in a new outfit I bought (with no intention of going outside), with a bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and watched a movie about a girl who wants to commit suicide.  And let me tell you, it was freakin liberating.  

You probably think I've completely lost it. Oatmeal with strawberries?? Crazy, right?? But it's really good.

Anyway, I guess in too many words I just wanted to say that I had a great day yesterday.  And today is starting to measure up to it =) Now if you'll excuse me, some perfectly ripe bananas are begging me to turn then into fantabulous banana bread. Till next time.

Ooh, catchy song by a catchy band. Sharai likes =)

Remember that movie I mentioned earlier? Here's a trailer for it. Best I've ever seen of Ms. Hilary Duff...or Mrs. You know, since she got married and all. Which just made me feel old. "MERLIN'S PANTS!" (reference to "Harry Potter" if you didn't know).

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