Get A Room

Brain room.
Breathing room.

It's somewhat odd, the liberating feeling you get

when you are finally able to have secrets of your own.
when you are finally able to keep things to yourself if you want to
without fear of getting interrogated.
when you are finally able to care more about
your dying grandmother than
a life crisis an inconsiderate friend is going through.
when you are finally able to have a freakin' minute to yourself.

"Why don't you text me every week anymore?"
"Why don't you respond to my random picture of the day texts anymore?"
"Why do you care more about how broken your mother is over your grandma's death more than me?"
"Why don't you tell me everything you're doing anymore?"
"Why don't you pay more attention to my needs more than yours?"

I don't know.

I'm growing up and growing out of it, I suppose.

Didn't realize it was a federal offense and resulted in the death of friendship penalty.

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