Chipotle...Kinda Sucks.

It's been a really long week.  I did get a nice present though! My manager gave us all gift cards to Chipotle so I decided to try it out the other day.  I'd had heard quite a few mixed reviews about it, but I mean, it's practically free food right? It had been one of those 8-4 days and I was totally broke so I figured, why not try it out?

Surprisingly, I was unimpressed.  The atmosphere reminded me of a dirty lunch area, and the service wasn't that great.  I just ordered a chicken burrito (with everything sans the beans of course), and honestly it didn't have any "wow" factor for me. It just tasted like an ordinary burrito. Taco Bell tastes better and they don't even use real beef!  True, the servings are more than enough to stuff this little Asian woman, but I wish they had more choices to put in their food.  I mean, Subway has more options and it's supposed to sort of resemble the same setup right?

All in all, I paid $6.41 for a burrito that left me bloated rather than satisfied.

Poop. Double entendre intended.

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