June Bummers.

I've always had something against the month of June.  Maybe it's the beginning of summer; maybe it's the fact that more people are graduating and I'm still just starting college; maybe it's the birthdays of people I'd rather forget about; maybe it's just that Father's Day is coming up tomorrow.

Father's Day.

To someone whose dad doesn't act, well, like a dad, this day is one of the worst of the year.  It's extremely difficult to work up any gratitude, happy thoughts, let alone love for someone who's treated you worse than the shoe biting family pet.

I mean, is it wrong to not want to take part in celebrating great dads all over the world? Especially if yours would rather get wasted drinking than spend any time with you?

My mom called me about an hour ago asking what I wanted to do for him.  I was tempted to say, "nothing," since that's what he's done for me.  I mean, I get that he provides for us and all but he's never been there when I really needed him.  You know, he even refused to help me when I fell down a staircase as a child. What father doesn't care if his kid's in pain?

I dread tomorrow...the only good thing about it, is that it's Sunday. PTL for that.

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