Need To Grow Up.

Boyfriends can be dumb sometimes.

Let me rephrase that.

Boyfriends are dumb A LOT of the time.

I'm not really comfortable talking about my current relationship on here, but I'm not quite in the mood for yelling/ranting at someone through the phone.

To me (forgive me if it sounds extremely selfish -- I'm often quite the selfish person) if a guy tells you that he'll do anything for you to make you happy then quite literally a few minutes later complain of a sore throat and refuse to just go SIT IN A CAR AT THE TOP OF A HILL AND JUST TALK, do I not have the right to be disappointed?

Just a little??

I'm almost positive this is the ovulating hormones talking, but I just can't help it!

Whew. Deep breaths.

Maybe I'm just stressed that I have an 8 hour shift on Saturday that starts at 11 AM and ends at 7 PM.  Pretty sure that would give anyone stress. That shift is day killing. Seriously. It's not even Friday yet and I already consider my Saturday over.

Anyway, I realize how ridiculous I sound.  I mean, I WISH this was my high school.  It sucks that parts of me are still stuck in that hell of an educational institution.

I suppose it just shows how much more I have to catch up to everyone else growing up around me; maturing into adults.  I mean I'm practically still going through puberty for goodness' sake!

If only Staples sold reset buttons along with easy buttons.

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