
Finding a job these days is almost an impossible task. You must be in contact with the right people, at the right time, and have a determination that will get you noticed. Before I got my first job, I extremely envied those around me who were able to find one. I was quite bitter for some time, and hated hearing people tell me that I just have to keep trying. I already had pretty low self esteem and even though I know those people were trying to help me, it felt as if I was being picked on for not being like them.

I'm posting about this now because on a recent trip to Bath and Body Works, I was offered a job there; a job I tried to get the year before with no results. Of course I politely declined the offer, but it got me thinking, "why didn't I get this opportunity before?" I guess God has His own timing and it just wasn't meant for me to work there. I'm deeply thankful that I have a job now, and experience to put on my resume for whatever happens in the future. I can only hope and pray for those who are still searching.

Don't give up!

Keep trying.

Do your best.

And don't stop praying.

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