
Showing posts from October, 2011

"Annoying Facebook Status!" Dislike.

This sounds extremely petty, but I'm getting quite irritated with these people that keep posting about how perfect their life is on Facebook. "I have the perfect husband!" "I have the perfect dog!" "I have the perfect family!" "I have the perfect friends!" "I have the perfect home!" "I have the perfect wedding!" "I have the perfect job!" "I have the perfect life!" You may think that I'm exaggerating these quotes, but I assure you I'm not.  I've actually seen these statements posted on Facebook! And as happy as I am for these individual's happiness, I would really appreciate it if they turned down the annoying arrogance a few notches.  It doesn't help that the lives of some people, myself included, aren't as content as others. Many of us are not as fortunate in our given circumstances as these self edifying individuals and it does not help to see their proclamations all...


Well.  I got one. An iPhone 4. It'll be about a week before it comes in the mail. I've also decided to sign up with Verizon. This will be my first time using their network and I hope it's a good experience. From what I've heard and read about them from multiple sources, they provide good service. I'll have to wait to see if that's true. To be honest, I'm almost fit to burst with excitement! I've been meaning to do this for quite some  time but was deterred from the cost it took to buy it. However, ever since I began changing my spending habits, I've been able to save up enough money for it. Can't wait to do a review soon! I really hope it's worth the money and the wait. PS. The picture here has been changed due to a few jerks online who decided to not let me use their image of the iPhone.
RIP Steve Jobs The end of a great career and a great life. I can only hope that he was a Christian or at least made peace with God. It's such a sad thing to hear that the life of a great innovator, great inventor, and great visionary has passed.  I'll always admire his willingness and courage to take the risks necessary to make such a great company. And now I really feel like I need an iPhone XP
Premiering tonight on FX is this new show by "Glee" writer Ryan Murphy. A bit far from musicals and slushies I think. From what I've read about the show, it's about a family with a troubled past (and by troubled I mean the husband has had an affair) who move from Boston to Los Angeles to live in a run down house that they soon find out is haunted. To me, it seems hard to believe this is actually a series and not another horrible B horror movie. However, there seems to be high hopes for the show from recent articles on Yahoo! and other entertainment sites. Plus, look at the promotional poster! There's a pregnant woman, who seems to be lifted up into the air by a creepy looking dude wrapped in black trash bags who is hanging from the ceiling. Still, my curiosity is getting the better of me and I think I'm going to see if all the hype I've heard is worth it. Time to get some warm blankets and a salted caramel hot chocolate on this wonderful rainy ...

Kristen "Meh" Stewart

Courtesy of Yahoo! Now I may be asking for the worst here, but I can't help thinking that people must be crazy to think that Kristen Stewart is that beautiful.  I'm not saying this because I don't like Twilight (if you've read some of my older posts, you'll know that I used to love the books...before it was turned into a movie and before I realized what horrible writing it was). I'm saying this because I just don't find her attractive! There seems to be a trend lately; a trend consisting of average looking girls getting a lot of attention, publicity and praise for being so plain. I'm not trying to insinuate that this is a bad thing necessarily, but that it's a trend that is not to my liking. It's as if this view on beauty has all of us forgetting what beauty used to be like. I don't mean women like Megan Fox or Scarlett Johanson; more like Judy Garland and Billie Holiday, you know? Classic beauty, I guess. When sophisticated, class...