Kristen "Meh" Stewart
Courtesy of Yahoo! |
Now I may be asking for the worst here, but I can't help thinking that people must be crazy to think that Kristen Stewart is that beautiful. I'm not saying this because I don't like Twilight (if you've read some of my older posts, you'll know that I used to love the books...before it was turned into a movie and before I realized what horrible writing it was). I'm saying this because I just don't find her attractive! There seems to be a trend lately; a trend consisting of average looking girls getting a lot of attention, publicity and praise for being so plain.
I'm not trying to insinuate that this is a bad thing necessarily, but that it's a trend that is not to my liking. It's as if this view on beauty has all of us forgetting what beauty used to be like. I don't mean women like Megan Fox or Scarlett Johanson; more like Judy Garland and Billie Holiday, you know?
Classic beauty, I guess.
When sophisticated, classy women were considered beautiful. Now they look more and more like glorified sluts.
Forgive me for picking on Kristen Stewart in particular, but there really is no getting around her average-ness. For me anyway.
That's Hollywood for you, I suppose.