Is it still too early to start playing Christmas songs?
I've already played my first one...

It was terrible.

An over twangy cover of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" by one of my least favorite artists.

As they say on 30 Rock, "Pre-before, Natal-ruined."

Besides that, I've been thinking a lot about my grandma lately. Around this time last year, she had fallen very ill and was taken to the hospital where, a little over a month later, she passed.

Early today, I was speaking to an old family friend, reminiscing about my grandma's sweet demeanor and how strong her faith was.

It hurt so much to remember.

That feeling you get when you lose someone and you wish you had more time to spend with them; to tell them everything on your heart and to make sure they know you love them....that feeling hasn't diminished in the least this whole year.

I can remember every time I said, "I love you" to her while she was in the hospital; right when I first walked in to see her and right before I left.

New Year's Eve was the last time I said it. She couldn't hear me anyway. She was so far gone by that time. Her breathing was more shallow and she would only look up to the ceiling. Still, I took her hand, kissed her on the forehead and said "I love you, Grandma," for the last time that night.  Two hours later, she left us.

No matter how many times I told her I loved her, I feel as if it wasn't enough.

However, this Thanksgiving, I WILL be thankful...that I got to say that to her at all before it was too late.

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